Fátima Bayma de Oliveira, Daniela Martins Diniz, Anderson de Souza Sant’Anna, Antônio Moreira de Carvalho Neto, Carolina Maria Mota Santos


The objective of the study is to analyze the perception of women entrepreneurs working in the port region of Rio de Janeiro with regard to: their motivations for opening businesses in the region; the characteristics that distinguish them as women entrepreneurs; and the aspects they consider relevant in managing their business. Qualitative research was carried out using a case study method. 23 interviews were conducted with women entrepreneurs in the port region of Rio de Janeiro city. The results reveal that women entrepreneurs distinguish themselves because of attributes they have related to their ability to perform multiple tasks, their determination and courage, and a passion for what they do, aspects that have already been evidenced in literature. However, the research points out that the context and relational network that entrepreneurs establish is crucial to support them in obtaining the necessary resources for the development of their business. The study is an advance on literature related to the distinctive characteristics and motivations of women entrepreneurs, given the gap pointed out by Gimenez et al. (2017), that the topic has not yet become consolidated as an area for systematic research in emerging economies such as Brazil. Contemporary studies also confirm two aspects that deserve to be investigated in more detail and that were addressed in this research: the role of the relationship network in the business of women entrepreneurs and a concern of these women that go beyond the performance of their business.


Women Entrepreneurship. Emerging Economies. Distinctive Characteristics of Women Entrepreneurs.

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