The influence of personal values and dark personality traits on the use of guidance sources at work

André Luiz Mendes Athayde, Claudio Vaz Torres, Stephanie Jeanne Thomason


The objective of this study was to test the simultaneous influence of employees’ personal values and dark personality traits on their attitude toward relying on sources of guidance when dealing with different events at work. Employees from an American university filled out a paper-and-pencil questionnaire comprised of three previously-validated scales. Correlations and multiple linear regressions were performed to test the influence of personal values and dark personality traits on guidance sources at work. The results yielded from the tests suggest to managers, human resource professionals, and psychologists which internal characteristics are relevant to predicting the use of formal rules, informal rules, and own experience as guidance sources at work, contributing, for instance, to recruitment and selection processes.


Fontes de orientação; Valores pessoais; Traços sombrios de personalidade; Comportamento organizacional; Psicologia.

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