Rodrigo Hipólito Roza, Samuel Carvalho De Benedicto, André Luiz Zambalde


The objective of this study is to deepen the understanding of the process of defining strategies and planning of Brazilian startups in a digital environment, in order to create new and innovative business models. The research was applied, with a qualitative and exploratory approach. For that, a semi-structured roadmap was elaborated. Based on the script, two professionals were interviewed in leadership positions in two Brazilian companies, with a broad experience in the digital environment startup market. The first company is a global leader in the development of platforms for commerce and mobile content. The second is one of the largests in the world in the segment of software development and electronic products. From the analysis of the results obtained, this study provides guidelines for the new entrepreneurs and for the new ventures, in what concerns the definition of strategies and the planning of startups in digital environment, towards new business models.


Startup; Business Model; Digital Environment; Entrepreneurship; Innovation.

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