Cátia Fabíola Parreira de Avelar, Ricardo Teixeira Veiga


This paper is about scale’s development and evaluation, created to measure the women’s propensity to undergo cosmetic surgery. We used a sample of 697 students from a large public Brazilian university to evaluate the scale. The propensity to undergo cosmetic surgery scale is proposed to measure someone’s intention or desire to have cosmetic surgery. The scale has 6 items obtained from the translation of items available in the Marketing Scale’s field. The sample was divided by 2 and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis has been used to analyze data.  The results shows that the scale is unidimensional, has validity and reliability  (α=0,91). The scale can be used by scholars in future research and assist professionals and businesses related to the beauty industry in the segmentation of possible target audiences.



Cirurgia plástica estética, Escalas de marketing, Comportamento de consumo, Beleza, Gênero

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