Juliana Maria Magalhães Christino, Thaís Santos Silva, Carla Agostini


Considered one of the 65 destinations inducing the National Tourism, the city of Tiradentes - MG presents average competitiveness similar to other locations. Nevertheless, in order to stabilize and differentiate itself as a tourist destination, the city still needs to improve public policies aimed at tourism, its entrepreneurial capacity to monitor tourist behavior, as well as aspects that promote and characterize a destination image. Aligned with these needs, the objective of this article was to identify the motivational and determining factors that take tourists to Tiradentes. The respondents answered questions related to the factors that motivated their trip to the city and those determining factors for their choice. In general, the tourists were more motivated to visit Tiradentes in the search of relaxation, rest and escape of the day by day. Correlations were found among the motivational factors and the age variable, as well as the length of stay in the city. The influence of the variable marketing and information was highlighted as a determinant of the choice. Based on the understanding that the knowledge of the motivational antecedents of the tourist behavior and its correlates allows to establish more effective strategies of attraction and support, this article outlines an initial path in the search for a differentiating positioning and in the construction of an image and brand of destination of the city of Tiradentes.


Fatores Motivacionais, Fatores Determinantes, Imagem do Destino

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