Tadeu Ataíde Arantes Guedes, Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling, Solange Riveli de Oliveira, Iury Teixeira de Sevilha Gosling, Kelly Cristine Oliveira Meira


The objective of this study was to identify and analyze the different attributes that can be considered as important by e-consumers for the process of loyalty with e-commerce available in the market. To do so, quantitative survey was conducted with 160 people through an online survey. The data collected were analyzed with the help of SPSS and SmartPLS software. Among the main results, we highlight the fact that the most important factor in the loyalty process is related to the trust of the site, and that design influences the purchasing experience. In addition, the better the Post purchase experience, the better the purchasing experience, and purchasing experience and trust are important aspects for e-consumer loyalty. The main contribution of this research is the collaboration in the clear understanding of which are the most influential aspects in the loyalty process is the virtual commerce entrepreneurs in the sector.



Comércio eletrônico; Comportamento de consumo; Lealdade.

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